La formation, qui propose un excellent progressif teinté de psychédélique, est active depuis 2011 mais elle est constituée de vétérans de la scène musicale norvégienne.
Consulter la page du Festival pour connaitre toute la programmation de Terra Incognita 2020.
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The Terra Incognita is proud to announce that Professor Tip Top will be the 16th edition of the Terra Incognita festival which will take place on May 15th, 16th and 17th at the Centre d'art la chapelle.
The band, which offers an excellent progressive tinged with psychedelic, has been active since 2011 but is made up of veterans of the Norwegian music scene.
Visit the Festival page to know all the programming of Terra Incognita 2020.
To stay up to date, we invite you to join our Facebook event!